Functional programming

higher-order functions

Language/Paradigm Higher-order functions Currying
JavaScript via anonymous functions
Python via anonymous functions
Typescript via anonymous functions
Java via anonymous functions
C# via anonymous functions
C++ via anonymous functions
PHP via anonymous functions
Go via anonymous functions

Pure functions

None of these languages support Pure functions


| Language/Paradigm | Tail recursion | folds | unfolds | | —————– | ————– | —————————————— | ——- | | JavaScript | ❌ | .reduce() method on arrays | ❌ | | Python | ❌ | functools.reduce() function on iterables | ❌ | | Typescript | ❌ | .reduce() method on arrays | ❌ | | Java | ❌ | .reduce() method on streamable collections | ❌ | | C# | ❌ | .Aggregate() method on collections | ❌ | | C++ | ✅ | std::accumulate on sequences. | ❌ | | PHP | ❌ | array_reduce() on array | ❌ | | Go | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |

Type systems

They all support Product Types via Class, Record or Struct.

Language/Paradigm Sum types Pattern Matching Dependent types
Python ✅since 3.5 with typing.Union ✅since 3.10 with match statement
Typescript ✅discriminated unions switch-case with shared field. some type-level computations
Java Simulated via Sealed Interface since Java 21
C# Simulated via Sealed Class since C# 9.0 some type-level computations
C++ since C++17 with std::variant since C++17 with std::visit some type-level computations